About #Amazon4Amazon

In October 2019, political theorist Paul Schaafsma created a minor social media stir when he suggested that Bezos use his billions to save the place his company was named for. He turned to his friend Michelle Merrill (founder of Novasutras and Perplexed Primate) to help develop the #Amazon4Amazon idea into an online campaign, which launched on Novemeber 11, 2019.

Novasutras is an emerging eco-spiritual movement, to nurture and uplift one other during these challenging times, as we work to create a world that works for all people and all species of life on Earth. Novasutras honors both spirituality and science in the quest to understand our existence, open our minds, expand our hearts, and guide us into action.
We support and participate in non-violent actions and educational events to protect, defend and restore the living world and our relationship to it. Our blog and newsletters include ideas for other practices to aid in building spiritual resilience while doing the challenging and necessary work we must do on behalf of all life.

Paul Schaafsma

Paul Schaafsma is a lifelong advocate for the environment and for social justice. His expertise in history, political science and public policy is grounded in a deep spiritual connection to Nature. He has worked on solutions to poverty, hunger and homelessness, human rights in Central America, and nuclear disarmament. His current focus is researching solutions to the climate crisis and the politics needed to enact them.

Michelle Y. Merrill, Ph.D., is an expert in international sustainability, systems and complexity, teaching and learning, biologically-inspired design, anthropology and ecology. Over decades of research, she has worked in the US, Asia and Africa studying rainforest primates and Higher Education for Sustainability. She is a published author, a respected educator and international speaker, and the founder of Novasutras. She earned her doctorate from Duke University in 2004.

More info about #Amazon4Amazon

Want to help this campaign spread faster than the destruction of the Amazon?

[Jeff Bezos] is a holder of enough ill-gotten billions to save the actual Amazon by making payments to Brazil to preserve the Amazon rainforest that dwarf the chump change it gets from Cargill and JBS to destroy what is by far that nation’s most invaluable asset, the loss of much more will render humanity’s survival extremely problematic; I vote we boycott Amazon the company until the Amazon rainforest stops burning.

Paul on Facebook, October 11, 2019